Here are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design Calculating ROI for design projects in 4 steps A good article written from a UX practitioner standpoint about ROI for a design project, including an important point to transparently present the
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Happy New Year, everyone! Here are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design Just keep scrolling! How to design lengthy, lengthy pages It can be challenging designing a long page with a lot of content. I found this article helpful in t
continue readingHere are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design How to sell Webflow to clients: best practices A few nice digestive points I found from Design Responsively on selling Webflow to clients over something like Wordpress on easy to use editor, hos
continue readingHere are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design 5 most annoying website features I face as a blind person every single day This article serves as a reminder that sometimes small things (for sighted people) can make a big difference for the b
continue readingHere are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design COVID-19 has changed your users NN Group emphasizes more research, not less, to determine users' needs in these uncertain times. — Anne Responsive web design JP If you
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