Here are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week.
COVID-19 has changed your users
NN Group emphasizes more research, not less, to determine users’ needs in these uncertain times.
— Anne
Responsive web design JP
If you’re interested in responsive Japanese websites, here is a beautiful collection of sites, sortable by category, color, and technology.
— Anne
Sketch vs. Figma 2020: pros and cons
Here’s a great summary on the differences between the two platforms and which might be best for your team.
— Anne
2020 Ruby on Rails community survey results
The results of the 2020 Ruby on Rails Community Survey. The explosion in CI server diversity over the last few years is especially striking. It was also interesting to see that jQuery is still the JavaScript library most frequently used with Rails. I’d like to see the results of this question for greenfield projects.
— Ian
Mastering low level caching in Rails
A great article by Johnathan Chase from Honeybadger on low level caching in Rails. He covers the basics and then delves into more advanced details as well outlines the common pitfalls of caching.
— Adam
RubyKaigi 2020
Today marks the start of RubyKaigi 2020! This year the conference is entirely online due to covid.
— Ian