Here are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design Dear young designer Some nice advice. It feels like quite a few of these are applicable to more than just design as well. — Ian How to design brand identity stylescapes by Futur www
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Here are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design A UX case study on YouTube Shorts A nice case study on why YouTube's new TikTok-like feature is… apparently not great. — Ian We gave up Sketch and rebuilt our design system in Figm
continue readingHere are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design Fix unwanted horizontal scroll and whitespace with Overflow: hidden in Webflow I recently experienced some unwanted horizontal scroll in Webflow. This was a handy video that helped me ident
continue readingHere are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design How to write the perfect case study to win more design clients Writing a good case study is important, not only for studios, but for designers as well. This is a great guide on how to write one
continue readingHere are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design From Sketch to Webflow: how to turn mockups into live websites This is an interesting process for turning your Sketch files into Webflow sites. I wonder though if it's much quicker than doing i
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