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続きを読むマクファーレン マーク
Founder, Director, Product lead and mobile developer
A British-born veteran of Tokyo's software engineering and design community, Mark is Managing Director of Tacchi. When not working on cool design and technology projects with startups and established brands, Mark loves to go mountain biking in the Japanese countryside, play squash, hit the climbing gym, or play board and video games.
Tacchi is now a Stripe Verified Partner
マーク マクファーレン 2019年06月11日
- Eコマース
- Stripe
We're very pleased to announce that our working relationship with the team at Stripe Japan is now even closer thanks to Tacchi becoming the first official Stripe Verified Partner in Japan. We were honored when the Stripe team invited Tacchi to join the program, which required us to share info
続きを読む- Canvas
- イベント
- スピーキング
Last night I was very grateful to be invited to join a panel discussion alongside some of Tokyo's finest entrepreneurs at Singapore-based BEAM's very first Tokyo event, held at CyberAgent Ventures' office in Shinjuku. It was a fantastic evening of meeting fellow entrepreneurs, developers, des
続きを読むEvent report – Canvas round table #2
マーク マクファーレン 2016年02月04日
- デザイナー
- 開発者
Thanks to everyone who came to Canvas Round Table #2 last night at Tacchi Studios! It was a wonderful night of freeform group chat, meeting new faces, sharing and learning, and of course drinking. The evening’s discussion included: Personal introductions – getting to know each other.
続きを読む- デザイナー
- 開発者
We’re lucky to have a spacious office on the ground floor in Shibuya, and are always looking for ways to help Tokyo’s creative and technical communities. So last night we were very pleased to be able to help good friend of the studio, Johnny Linnert, to host the first of his new series of worksh