On Wednesday 30th September I had the great pleasure of presenting the story of Canvas to the crowd at PechaKucha Tokyo Vol 128.

Presenting Canvas at Pechakucha Tokyo Vol. 128 event photo

I’m not a fan of public speaking, but really wanted to share our work so far. I was very nervous just before getting up on stage, but thanks to all the amazing friends who came along to support me I quickly settled into my spiel.

Presenting Canvas at Pechakucha Tokyo Vol. 128 event photo

I talked a little about how my personal experiences of entering the creative community in Tokyo got me thinking about how the internet could help to provide a social and professional layer on top of real life as a Tokyo creative. I then went on to talk about the process we followed while starting to build Canvas, shared a few of my favourite creations that I’d discovered through the service, and finally asked the crowd to give us feedback so we can improve the site in the future.

The presentation was recorded, and will be on the PechaKucha website in the near future. I’ll update this post with a link when it’s there.

If you haven’t checked out Canvas yet, please head over to www.canvas.co.com now!


And thanks to the incredibly talented Martin Holtkamp for sharing his photos with us!