Here are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week. Design A collection of identity style guides from around the world Here’s a fantastic list of brands you very likely know and are perhaps a customer of. Definitely a useful resource for ident
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Working in tech and design requires constantly keeping up with the latest techniques, tools, technologies, and industry news. Here are a few of the things our team found useful over the last week. Design 99 Awards 2020 Best Digital Design 99 Designs' 2020 awards include some sl
continue readingWorking in tech and design requires constantly keeping up with the latest techniques, tools, technologies, and industry news. Here are a few of the things our team found useful over the last week. Design How to test a design concept for effectiveness Getting design concept
continue readingThis week we continued our work with Shopify, planned the development framework for a new project, and implemented the designs of an ongoing project. Here are some links we found interesting and/or useful. Design 10 newest and promising UI design trends An interesting list of the m
continue readingWe’ve spent our time this week working on Shopify, HR tech, and researching the best mobile solution for an upcoming project. Here are some links we found interesting and/or useful. Design 10 a**hole design patterns Although designers talk about prioritizing the user experience,
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